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Last update 2018

What Does My Warranty Cover?


Limited Liability Warranty: covers the cost of all parts and labor needed to repair any item on your vehicle when it left the manufacturing plant that is defective in material, workmanship or factory preparation.

Insurance: A warranty in an insurance policy is a promise by the insured party that statements affecting the validity of the contract are true. ... A promissory warranty is a statement about future facts or about facts that will continue to be true throughout the term of the policy.

Warranty Coverages with No Cost

6 Month Limited Liability Warranty


Touch Issues

Your repaired device is randomly touching or is randomly pressing by itself with no action by the user.

Delayed/Dead Touch

Areas where the screen is unable to press or only recognized randomly.

No Touch till Reboot

Screen touches then randomly stops responding  andcauses the device to not function till the device is rebooted.

Image Quality

Image is fuzzy or distorted

No Touch till Reboot

Screen touches then randomly stops touching and causes the device to not function till the device is rebooted.

I'm a testimonial. Click to edit me and add text that says something nice about you and your services. Let your customers review you and tell their friends how great you are.

Robb Walters

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